A banner that says small business for america 's future
A banner that says small business for america 's future

Press Releases

By Abdullah Khan March 4, 2025
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact Nazirah Ahmad nazirah@emccommunications.com 704-290-6869 Small business needs economic stability and a focus on bottom-line needs from policymakers Statement by Walt Rowen, President of Susquehanna Glass Company in Columbia, Pennsylvania and Small Business for America's Future Co-Chair on President Trump’s address to Congress COLUMBIA, Pa, March 4, 2025 – “As President Trump addresses Congress tonight, we urge the administration to prioritize economic stability and focus on practical policies that will have a positive impact on the bottom lines of small businesses. The recent wave of disruptive policies, including slapping punitive tariffs on our most important trading partners, has created an environment of uncertainty that threatens small business growth. What Main Street needs are concrete solutions that address our real challenges, not policies that increase costs and make business planning virtually impossible. “The escalating tariffs on goods from China, Mexico, and Canada are not the actions small businesses need to thrive. As a small business owner in Columbia, Pennsylvania, I’ve already seen how these trade policies increase costs and disrupt our supply chains. Tariffs function as taxes ultimately paid by small businesses and American consumers. “In addition, we’re seeing reckless cuts to government agencies that serve us and our customers. Small business owners depend on effective government services—from the Small Business Administration to Veterans Affairs to the Department of Transportation—for their day to day operations. I’ve seen how the unpredictability surrounding the economic fallout from dramatic government cuts makes business owners hesitant to invest in expansion. This is particularly concerning for veteran-owned small businesses, which employ nearly 5.5 million Americans. In addition, veterans make up 30% of the federal workforce and are vital contributors to our small business economy. “This economic hesitation, compounded by destabilizing policy shifts like new tariffs, creates an environment where small businesses cannot confidently plan for the future. Business owners require stability and predictability from their government to make sound business decisions. Without it, we face the real possibility of fewer new jobs and diminished economic activity across communities nationwide. “What Main Street America needs instead is a focus on lowering the costs that eat into small businesses’ bottom lines: policies that rein in the soaring healthcare costs that have burdened small employers for decades, 88% of small business owners believe the prescription drug pricing market needs to be changed. Main Street also needs a tax code that supports small business success and creates a level playing field rather than favoring large corporations; and improved access to capital. Our recent survey found that 72% of small business owners believe the current tax code favors large corporations over small businesses – a fundamental imbalance that must be addressed. “Small businesses are the backbone of local economies nationwide, creating nearly two-thirds of new jobs in America. The prosperity of our nation depends on ensuring small businesses have the stability, resources, and level playing field they need to succeed.” To request an interview, contact Nazirah Ahmad at (704) 290-6869 or nazirah@emccommunications.com . ### About Small Business for America's Future Small Business for America's Future is a national coalition of small business owners and leaders working to provide small businesses a voice at every level of government. We're committed to ensuring policymakers prioritize the nation's 30 million small businesses to create an economy that works for them, their workers and their communities. Visit www.smallbusinessforamericasfuture.org . Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. #SmallBizAF.
By Abdullah Khan February 27, 2025
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact Nazirah Ahmad nazirah@emccommunications.com 704-290-6869 New York Small Business Owner Opposes House Budget Resolution's Tax Provisions Statement by Patrick Hall, Owner of Élan Flowers in New York, NY and Small Business for America's Future Council Member New York, NY, Feb. 26, 2025 —"The House budget resolution's extension of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act ignores the real needs of small businesses like mine in New York. The resolution delivers $4.5 trillion in tax cuts that primarily benefit large corporations while recklessly cutting $2 trillion from programs our communities rely on. “This resolution would perpetuate the harmful two-tier tax system that gives large corporations permanent, substantial tax cuts while leaving small businesses with temporary, complex provisions. A recent Small Business for America's Future survey shows that 91% of small business owners believe the tax code already favors big companies, and the TCJA only worsened this imbalance. “I spend thousands of dollars per month on an accountant for my business taxes because the provisions are so complicated to navigate by myself. As a small business owner, I should be able to spend my resources on hiring and business development. We need a simple tax system where small businesses can compete on an even playing field with large corporations. “The proposed reckless cuts to healthcare programs like Medicaid will impact not only small business owners and their employees but also the vitality of our communities. We need policymakers to find ways to make health benefits affordable so we can provide our small business employees with health insurance just like the large corporations do and compete for workforce talent. “The reality is clear from a recent Small Business for America's Future survey : nearly half of small businesses saw no benefit whatsoever from the TCJA, yet this budget resolution would extend these failed policies. Only 6% of small business owners were able to grow their businesses, and a mere 3% created new jobs as a result of the law. “Small businesses employ nearly half of all Americans in the private sector. We need tax policies that recognize our vital economic role—like exempting the first $25,000 of profit from federal income tax and modernizing the IRS to improve services for small businesses. The Senate should reject this resolution and craft tax policies that genuinely support Main Street businesses." To request an interview with Patrick Hall or any Small Business for America's Future member, contact Nazirah Ahmad at (704) 290-6869 or nazirah@emccommunications.com. ### About Small Business for America's Future Small Business for America's Future is a national coalition of small business owners and leaders working to provide small businesses a voice at every level of government. We're committed to ensuring policymakers prioritize the nation's 30 million small businesses to create an economy that works for them, their workers and their communities. Visit www.smallbusinessforamericasfuture.org . Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. #SmallBizAF.
By Abdullah Khan February 27, 2025
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact Nazirah Ahmad nazirah@emccommunications.com 704-290-6869 Pennsylvania Small Business Leader Warns House Budget Resolution Will Worsen Tax Inequities  Statement by Walt Rowen, President of Susquehanna Glass Company in Columbia, Pennsylvania and Small Business for America's Future Co-Chair Columbia, PA, Feb. 26, 2025 —"As a small business owner in Pennsylvania, I'm alarmed by the House's passage of a budget resolution that increases our deficit by $3 trillion while delivering tax benefits primarily to large corporations and the wealthy—not Main Street businesses. “This resolution would deepen the already problematic two-tier tax system that puts small businesses at a significant disadvantage. A recent Small Business for America's Future survey shows that 91% of small business owners believe the tax code favors big companies, while small businesses struggle with temporary, complex provisions that deliver minimal benefits. “The complexity of our tax code is eating away at small businesses' bottom lines, diverting money to tax compliance that could go toward jobs and expansion. Small business owners don't have the resources to navigate complicated tax provisions the way large corporations do. We need a simpler, more straightforward tax system that doesn't require an expensive expert just to comply with basic regulations. “Additionally, the resolution's proposed reckless $2 trillion in spending cuts, including significant reductions to healthcare programs like Medicaid, would hurt both small business owners who rely on these programs and the communities where we operate. “A recent Small Business for America's Future survey confirms these challenges: nearly 40% of small business owners couldn't even determine if they qualified for the TCJA's signature small business provision. Meanwhile, large corporations received an immediate, permanent 14% tax cut that was crystal clear. This two-tier system must end. “As Congress debates tax policy, they should focus on solutions that actually help small businesses grow—like exempting the first $25,000 of small business profit from federal income tax and creating a simplified standard deduction for small businesses. These practical changes would deliver real benefits to Main Street, unlike the failed TCJA policies this budget resolution seeks to extend." To request an interview with Walt Rowen or any Small Business for America's Future member, contact Nazirah Ahmad at (704) 290-6869 or nazirah@emccommunications.com. ### About Small Business for America's Future Small Business for America's Future is a national coalition of small business owners and leaders working to provide small businesses a voice at every level of government. We're committed to ensuring policymakers prioritize the nation's 30 million small businesses to create an economy that works for them, their workers and their communities. Visit www.smallbusinessforamericasfuture.org . Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. #SmallBizAF.
By Abdullah Khan February 26, 2025
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact Nazirah Ahmad nazirah@emccommunications.com 704-290-6869 Colorado Small Business Owner Calls for Rejection of House Budget Resolution Statement by Masaru Torito owner of Kokoro Restaurant, in Denver and Small Business for America's Future Council Member Denver, CO, Feb. 26, 2025— "As a small business owner in Colorado, I'm deeply troubled by the House's budget resolution that would extend the failed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act while recklessly cutting critical programs that support our communities. The TCJA has created a two-tier tax system that puts small businesses at a competitive disadvantage against large corporations. “A recent Small Business for America's Future survey demonstrates this clearly: while 91% of small business owners believe the tax code favors big businesses, only 6% of small business owners were able to grow their businesses by purchasing new equipment or expanding operations under the TCJA. Just 3% created new jobs. Meanwhile, big corporations received permanent tax cuts that immediately benefited their bottom lines. “The resolution's proposed reckless $2 trillion in spending cuts, impacting healthcare programs like Medicaid, would have devastating effects on many small business employees and the overall economic health of our communities. “Small businesses are the backbone of communities across Colorado. We deserve a tax code that works for us, not just for large corporations with teams of accountants and lawyers. The complexity of our current tax system diverts resources from growth and innovation. “Instead of extending policies that have failed small businesses, Congress should focus on practical solutions like exempting the first $25,000 of small business profit from federal income tax and creating a simplified standard deduction for small businesses. The Senate must reject this misguided budget resolution and prioritize tax policies that truly support Main Street entrepreneurs." To request an interview with Masaru Torito or any Small Business for America's Future member, contact Nazirah Ahmad at (704) 290-6869 or nazirah@emccommunications.com. ### About Small Business for America's Future Small Business for America's Future is a national coalition of small business owners and leaders working to provide small businesses a voice at every level of government. We're committed to ensuring policymakers prioritize the nation's 30 million small businesses to create an economy that works for them, their workers and their communities. Visit www.smallbusinessforamericasfuture.org . Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. #SmallBizAF.
By Abdullah Khan February 26, 2025
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact Nazirah Ahmad nazirah@emccommunications.com 704-290-6869 Small Business Owner in Wisconsin Criticizes House Budget Resolution as Harmful to Main Street  Statement by Daniel Guerra Jr., Founder of Altus, Inc. in Madison, WI and Small Business for America's Future Council Member Madison, WI, Feb. 26, 2025— "The House budget resolution calling for a $4.5 trillion extension of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is deeply concerning for small business owners like me across Wisconsin. It's disheartening to see lawmakers push for a repeat of policies that simply didn't work. The 2017 tax plan did absolutely nothing to help my business grow. “This resolution would further entrench the two-tier tax system that overwhelmingly favors large corporations over small businesses. A recent Small Business for America's Future survey confirms this reality, with 91% of small business owners reporting that the tax code favors big companies, while 76% believe wealthy individuals and large corporations received most of the TCJA's benefits. “Even more concerning, the proposed reckless $2 trillion in spending cuts could slash healthcare programs like Medicaid that many small business owners, their employees, and communities rely on. These cuts will disproportionately harm Main Street businesses while delivering windfall tax benefits to large corporations. “Instead of continuing to prioritize large corporations, we need a tax system that recognizes the unique challenges small businesses face and provides meaningful support to help us create jobs and strengthen our communities. A recent Small Business for America's Future survey found only 6% of small business owners were able to increase wages because of the TCJA, and a mere 3% created new jobs. “Small businesses are the economic engine of communities across Wisconsin. We need practical solutions like exempting the first $25,000 of profit from federal income tax and creating a simple standard deduction for small businesses—not more handouts to big corporations that already have significant advantages. The Senate must reject this misguided budget resolution and focus on tax policies that truly support Main Street entrepreneurs." To request an interview with Daniel Guerra or any Small Business for America's Future member, contact Nazirah Ahmad at (704) 290-6869 or nazirah@emccommunications.com. About Small Business for America's Future Small Business for America's Future is a national coalition of small business owners and leaders working to provide small businesses a voice at every level of government. We're committed to ensuring policymakers prioritize the nation's 30 million small businesses to create an economy that works for them, their workers and their communities. Visit www.smallbusinessforamericasfuture.org . Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. #SmallBizAF.
By Abdullah Khan February 26, 2025
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact Nazirah Ahmad nazirah@emccommunications.com 704-290-6869 House budget resolution ignores Main Street needs, threatens to deepen tax imbalance Statement by Small Business for America's Future Co-chair Anne Zimmerman on House passage of budget resolution calling for $4.5 trillion in tax cuts and $2 trillion in spending reductions while increasing the deficit by $3 trillion dollars Cincinnati, Ohio, Feb. 26, 2025 –“ We are deeply concerned by the House’s passage of a budget resolution that threatens to further entrench a two-tier tax system that overwhelmingly favors large corporations and billionaires over small businesses. “The resolution, which calls for $4.5 trillion in tax cuts, an extension of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), primarily benefits billionaires and large corporations while recklessly cutting $2 trillion from critical programs, including from healthcare programs like Medicaid, that will hurt the small business owners and the communities they serve. “In addition, this resolution calls for extending tax policies that do nothing for small businesses, while delivering windfall tax cuts to their large corporate competitors. Our recent survey of small business owners found that most small businesses got no meaningful benefit from the TCJA. Just 6% of owners were able to grow their businesses by purchasing new equipment or expanding operations. Only 6% could pay their workers more, and a mere 3% created new jobs. Extending a policy that has failed to help small businesses disregards the crucial role Main Street businesses play in our economy. “Small business owners need practical tax solutions: exempting the first $25,000 of profit from federal income tax, creating a simple small business standard deduction, and simplifying the complex tax code that forces entrepreneurs to spend money on accountants and lawyers for compliance—funds that should instead strengthen their bottom lines and support hiring.  “The Senate must reject this misguided budget resolution in favor of creating tax policies that support Main Street entrepreneurs, rather than just feathering the nests of Wall Street corporations and billionaires. Americans deserve a tax system that helps us all by empowering our small businesses to grow, hire, and strengthen our local and national economies." To request an interview with Anne Zimmerman or any Small Business for America’s Future member, contact Nazirah Ahmad at (704) 290-6869 or nazirah@emccommunications.com . About Small Business for America's Future Small Business for America's Future is a national coalition of small business owners and leaders working to provide small businesses a voice at every level of government. We're committed to ensuring policymakers prioritize the nation's 30 million small businesses to create an economy that works for them, their workers and their communities. Visit www.smallbusinessforamericasfuture.org . Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. #SmallBizAF.
By Abdullah Khan February 19, 2025
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact Janel Knight Trulear janel@emccommunications.com (617) 875-6581 New SBA administrator confirmed at key moment for America's entrepreneurs Statement by Small Business for America’s Future co-chair Shaundell Newsome, founder of Sumnu Marketing Feb. 19, 2025— "Today’s confirmation of Kelly Loeffler as Administrator of the Small Business Administration (SBA) comes at a key time when small business owners are navigating unprecedented opportunities. In fact, with record numbers of Americans starting new businesses while still facing hurdles in managing the complex tax code, accessing capital, and high healthcare costs, the SBA is essential for developing effective solutions that help Main Street entrepreneurs succeed." "The role of SBA Administrator is important as these new and existing small businesses shape our economic future. As major drivers of the economy, small businesses have generated over 70% of the nation's net new jobs since 2019. Supporting their growth helps individual business, their workers, and the communities they serve. "Central to our policy agenda are several key priorities that require immediate attention: Healthcare Affordability & Access With 81% of small business owners reporting that healthcare costs significantly impact their bottom line, we need solutions that create a more competitive, transparent healthcare market. Nearly 24 million Americans now rely on ACA plans, making it crucial to strengthen and expand these vital programs. Tax Reform The upcoming expiration of Tax Cuts and Jobs Act provisions presents an opportunity to create a tax code that truly works for small businesses. Our surveys show 80% of small business owners couldn't hire new employees or invest in their businesses under the TCJA. We need tax policies that genuinely support small business growth. Access to Capital Small businesses face major hurdles to obtaining loans and investments to finance their growth, particularly in underserved communities. We need stronger financial protections and expanded SBA loan programs for the smallest businesses. "We look forward to finding ways to engage with Administrator Loeffler & the SBA to ensure these priorities remain at the forefront. The success of Main Street entrepreneurs is critical to building lasting economic prosperity for all Americans." To request an interview with Small Business for America's Future Co-chair Shaundell Newsome contact Janel Knight Trulear at janel@emccommunications.com or 617-875-6581. About Small Business for America's Future Small Business for America's Future is a national coalition of small business owners and leaders working to provide small businesses a voice at every level of government. We're committed to ensuring policymakers prioritize Main Street by advancing a just and equitable economic framework that works for small business owners, their employees and their communities. Visit www.smallbusinessforamericasfuture.org . Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. #SmallBizAF
By Abdullah Khan February 12, 2025
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact Janel Knight Trulear janel@emccommunications.com (617) 875-6581 New Survey: Tax Cuts and Jobs Act failed to help small businesses grow while large corporations reaped benefits National survey shows TCJA created a two-tiered tax structure with just 6% of small businesses increasing investment or wages due to 2017 law while large corporations received substantial and permanent tax cuts WASHINGTON, D.C., Feb. 13, 2025 —As Congress debates tax reform ahead of expiration of key Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) provisions this year, a new national survey of small business owners reveals the law failed to deliver on its promise to boost Main Street growth and job creation. While large corporations received permanent, substantial tax cuts, the survey shows small businesses—which employ nearly half of all working Americans—saw little meaningful benefit from the law, with just 6% reporting increased business investment or wages and only 3% adding jobs as a result of the TCJA. “Small businesses create jobs, drive innovation, and provide essential services in every community across America. But this law has done nothing to help them fulfill their potential,” said Anne Zimmerman, Co-Chair of Small Business for America’s Future and a small business CPA based in Cincinnati. “When nearly 40% of small business owners can’t even determine if they received the law’s main small business tax deduction, while large corporations got an immediate and permanent tax cut, something is fundamentally wrong with our approach." The survey paints a clear picture of the TCJA’s failure to help small businesses grow: ● Just 6% of business owners responding to the survey increased business investment or employee wages due to the tax law ● Only 3% hired more employees as a result ● A mere 9% were able to pay down business debts ● 43% reported no positive impact from the law at all ● 91% of small business owners say the current tax code favors large corporations (59% strongly agree) ● 76% report that wealthy individuals and large corporations benefited most from TCJA ● The law’s signature small business provision was so complex that 39% of owners couldn’t determine if they qualified With the TCJA's temporary provisions set to expire in 2025, small business owners identified specific solutions Congress should prioritize: ● Exempting the first $25,000 of small business profit from federal income tax -- rated as the most helpful potential change ● Creating a simplified small business standard deduction ● Making the tax code less complex for small businesses ● Modernizing the IRS to improve small business services — supported by 92% of owners (60% strongly supporting) ● 61% support raising the corporate tax rate to pay for new small business tax benefits “By slashing the corporate tax rate permanently from 35% to 21%, while offering most small business owners only a temporary and complex 20% tax deduction, the TCJA created a two-tier tax system that overwhelmingly favored large corporations. This isn’t just hurting business owners—it’s failing workers, families and local economies in every community across the country,” said Small Business for America’s Future Co-chair Walt Rowen, President of Susquehanna Glass Company in Pennsylvania. “Now, Congress has a choice—they can either extend a failed policy or create tax reform that actually works for Main Street and communities.” The survey of 863 small business owners in the Small Business for America’s Future small business network was conducted from Dec.13, 2024 to Jan. 29, 2025. Small businesses surveyed ranged in size from self-employed to 500 employees, with 77% having 10 or fewer employees. Respondents were politically diverse: 26% identified as Democrats, 28% as Republicans, 22% as Independents, with the remainder identifying as other or preferring not to answer. To schedule an interview with a representative from Small Business for America’s Future, contact Janel Knight Trulear at janel@emccommunications.com or (617) 875-6581. ### About Small Business for America’s Future Small Business for America’s Future is a national coalition of small business owners and leaders advocating for policy solutions that promote a thriving, inclusive economy. We work to ensure that lawmakers prioritize the needs of Main Street, advancing a just and equitable economic framework for small business owners, their employees, and their communities. For more information, visit www.smallbusinessforamericasfuture.org.
By Abdullah Khan January 22, 2025
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact Janel Knight Trulear janel@emccommunications.com 617-875-6581 Executive order rolling back economic protections threatens small business growth and economic vitality SBAF Co-Chair Shaundell Newsome on Executive Order dismantling decades-old anti-discrimination protections will reduce competition in federal contracting and harm small business opportunities across the economy. WASHINGTON, D.C., Jan. 22, 2025 — “President Trump’s executive order rolling back provisions that for decades have provided underrepresented communities with opportunity to participate in the economy is a threat to the vitality of American small businesses and our country’s economic potential. This sweeping action goes far beyond addressing recent government and corporate initiatives — it dismantles fundamental protections dating back to the 1960s that have helped ensure fair competition in federal contracting. By eliminating these basic protections and terminating equity-focused grant programs, this order makes it substantially harder for many small businesses to compete for government contracts and access critical funding opportunities. “When we prevent communities from competing fairly in the marketplace, we harm our entire economy. The order’s elimination of longstanding equal opportunity requirements in federal contracting sends us back to a time when discrimination in government contracting was commonplace. This doesn’t just affect minority-owned businesses — it reduces competition and innovation across our entire small business ecosystem at a time when we should be fostering our historic wave of entrepreneurship. With over 20 million new small business applications filed during the previous administration, this is precisely the time to ensure all entrepreneurs have fair access to federal contracts and business opportunities. This order will have a chilling effect on anyone trying to make it as an entrepreneur.  “Small business owners must make their voices heard on this critical issue. Entrepreneurs should contact their representatives, share how this order impacts their businesses, and join efforts to preserve fair competition. While this executive order is a significant setback, Small Business for America’s Future will continue working to ensure all entrepreneurs have a fair chance to compete and succeed in the American economy.” To request an interview with Small Business for America’s Future Co-Chair Shaundell Newsome, contact Janel Knight Trulear at janel@emccommunications.com or 617-875-6581. About Small Business for America’s Future Small Business for America’s Future (SBAF) is a national coalition of business owners and leaders working to provide small businesses a voice at every level of government. We’re committed to ensuring policymakers prioritize Main Street by advancing a just and equitable economic framework that works for small business owners, their employees and their communities. Visit www.smallbusinessforamericasfuture.org . Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. #SmallBizAF
By Abdullah Khan January 17, 2025
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Contact Janel Knight Trulear janel@emccommunications.com (617) 875-6581 STATEMENT: Small business group welcomes next cycle of Medicare prescription drug negotiations Statement by Small Business for America's Future Co-Chair Dr. Erika Gonzalez, CEO, President, & Co-Founder of South Texas Allergy and Asthma Medical Professionals (STAAMP) and STAAMP Clinical Research, on HHS and CMS's announcement of the next round of prescription drugs up for Medicare negotiations Jan. 17, 2025– "The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announcement of the 15 prescription drugs selected for the second cycle of price negotiations marks a needed step in addressing one of the top financial pressures facing small businesses today–the rising cost of health care. These negotiations are important for small business owners who face ever-increasing health insurance premiums driven by high prescription drug costs, which directly impact their ability to grow their businesses, hire workers, and stay competitive in the marketplace. "For too long, small business owners have struggled with the overwhelming burden of prescription drug costs that force difficult choices between providing healthcare coverage and investing in business growth. A SBAF survey showed bipartisan agreement that prescription drug prices are too high with 94% of small business owners saying it needs to be changed and more than half saying the marketplace needs an overhaul. "Medicare drug price negotiations are creating an avenue to drive transparency in drug pricing that can lead to more affordable healthcare for small businesses and their employees. As Medicare secures better prices for prescription drugs, it puts downward pressure on costs throughout the healthcare system. The first cycle of negotiations are expected to lower out-of-pocket costs by $1.5 billion in 2026. The selected drugs in the second cycle of negotiations account for $40.7 billion in prescription drug costs. This is exactly the kind of action small business owners have been asking for to address healthcare costs. "While this represents progress, the work to lower overall healthcare costs must continue. We encourage policymakers to build on this momentum and implement additional measures that will extend these cost-saving benefits throughout the healthcare system." To request an interview with Small Business for America's Future Co-Chair Dr. Erika Gonzalez, contact Janel Knight Trulear at (617) 875-6581 or janel@emccommunications.com. ### About Small Business for America's Future Small Business for America's Future is a national coalition of small business owners and leaders working to provide small businesses a voice at every level of government. We're committed to ensuring policymakers prioritize the nation's 30 million small businesses to create an economy that works for them, their workers and their communities. Visit www.smallbusinessforamericasfuture.org . Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. #SmallBizAF.
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