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New York Small Business Owner Opposes House Budget Resolution's Tax Provisions

Media Contact
Nazirah Ahmad 



New York Small Business Owner Opposes House Budget Resolution's Tax Provisions

Statement by Patrick Hall, Owner of Élan Flowers in New York, NY and Small Business for America's Future Council Member

New York, NY, Feb. 26, 2025—"The House budget resolution's extension of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act ignores the real needs of small businesses like mine in New York. The resolution delivers $4.5 trillion in tax cuts that primarily benefit large corporations while recklessly cutting $2 trillion from programs our communities rely on.

“This resolution would perpetuate the harmful two-tier tax system that gives large corporations permanent, substantial tax cuts while leaving small businesses with temporary, complex provisions. A recent Small Business for America's Future survey shows that 91% of small business owners believe the tax code already favors big companies, and the TCJA only worsened this imbalance.

“I spend thousands of dollars per month on an accountant for my business taxes because the provisions are so complicated to navigate by myself. As a small business owner, I should be able to spend my resources on hiring and business development. We need a simple tax system where small businesses can compete on an even playing field with large corporations.

“The proposed reckless cuts to healthcare programs like Medicaid will impact not only small business owners and their employees but also the vitality of our communities.  We need policymakers to find ways to make health benefits affordable so we can provide our small business employees with health insurance just like the large corporations do and compete for workforce talent.

“The reality is clear from a recent Small Business for America's Future survey: nearly half of small businesses saw no benefit whatsoever from the TCJA, yet this budget resolution would extend these failed policies. Only 6% of small business owners were able to grow their businesses, and a mere 3% created new jobs as a result of the law.

“Small businesses employ nearly half of all Americans in the private sector. We need tax policies that recognize our vital economic role—like exempting the first $25,000 of profit from federal income tax and modernizing the IRS to improve services for small businesses. The Senate should reject this resolution and craft tax policies that genuinely support Main Street businesses."

To request an interview with Patrick Hall or any Small Business for America's Future member, contact Nazirah Ahmad at (704) 290-6869 or nazirah@emccommunications.com.


About Small Business for America's Future

Small Business for America's Future is a national coalition of small business owners and leaders working to provide small businesses a voice at every level of government. We're committed to ensuring policymakers prioritize the nation's 30 million small businesses to create an economy that works for them, their workers and their communities. Visitwww.smallbusinessforamericasfuture.org. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. #SmallBizAF.

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