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Pennsylvania Small Business Leader Warns House Budget Resolution Will Worsen Tax Inequities

Media Contact
Nazirah Ahmad 



Pennsylvania Small Business Leader Warns House Budget Resolution Will Worsen Tax Inequities

Statement by Walt Rowen, President of Susquehanna Glass Company in Columbia, Pennsylvania and Small Business for America's Future Co-Chair

Columbia, PA, Feb. 26, 2025—"As a small business owner in Pennsylvania, I'm alarmed by the House's passage of a budget resolution that increases our deficit by $3 trillion while delivering tax benefits primarily to large corporations and the wealthy—not Main Street businesses.

“This resolution would deepen the already problematic two-tier tax system that puts small businesses at a significant disadvantage. A recent Small Business for America's Future survey shows that 91% of small business owners believe the tax code favors big companies, while small businesses struggle with temporary, complex provisions that deliver minimal benefits.

“The complexity of our tax code is eating away at small businesses' bottom lines, diverting money to tax compliance that could go toward jobs and expansion. Small business owners don't have the resources to navigate complicated tax provisions the way large corporations do. We need a simpler, more straightforward tax system that doesn't require an expensive expert just to comply with basic regulations.

“Additionally, the resolution's proposed reckless $2 trillion in spending cuts, including significant reductions to healthcare programs like Medicaid, would hurt both small business owners who rely on these programs and the communities where we operate.

“A recent Small Business for America's Future survey confirms these challenges: nearly 40% of small business owners couldn't even determine if they qualified for the TCJA's signature small business provision. Meanwhile, large corporations received an immediate, permanent 14% tax cut that was crystal clear. This two-tier system must end.

“As Congress debates tax policy, they should focus on solutions that actually help small businesses grow—like exempting the first $25,000 of small business profit from federal income tax and creating a simplified standard deduction for small businesses. These practical changes would deliver real benefits to Main Street, unlike the failed TCJA policies this budget resolution seeks to extend."

To request an interview with Walt Rowen or any Small Business for America's Future member, contact Nazirah Ahmad at (704) 290-6869 or nazirah@emccommunications.com.


About Small Business for America's Future

Small Business for America's Future is a national coalition of small business owners and leaders working to provide small businesses a voice at every level of government. We're committed to ensuring policymakers prioritize the nation's 30 million small businesses to create an economy that works for them, their workers and their communities. Visitwww.smallbusinessforamericasfuture.org. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. #SmallBizAF.

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