By Shaundell Newsome
GoFundMe pages, idled workers and “good-bye and thank you” signs popping up on one long-standing storefront after another. America’s Main Street businesses are on the ropes and many of our moms and pops are facing early retirement. Sadly, an overwhelming eight in 10 small business owners say our nation’s leaders don’t understand their needs--and favor big business anyway--during this time of crisis, according to a new survey of 1,200 entrepreneurs from Small Business for America’s Future.
May 8, 2020 | New York Times
“Even if tomorrow everything were fine and we were to go back to business as usual, it’s going to take months for us to get customers to come in the door,” Ms. Morey said Thursday at a virtual gathering of business owners.
May 8, 2020 | Roll Call
Banking and credit union representatives are urging lawmakers to create a special relief fund for the smallest businesses, loosen restrictions on the use of Paycheck Protection Program money and all but eliminate the paperwork involved in what is expected to be forgiveness of the loan in the future.
May 7, 2020 | Bloomberg Tax
Amid the struggle to obtain loans, small business owners told Bloomberg Tax they simply don’t have the time or resources right now to explore tax and accounting benefits that would provide extra liquidity. Some said they may go over some tax and accounting measures with a CPA later this year, if they are still in business, while others are turning to free advice on Facebook groups and cutting every expense they can.
February 19, 2020
Longtime Nevada Business Owner and Small Business Advocate Joins Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform Leadership
February 13, 2020
BRTR's Frank Knapp, Jr. writes: Today VP Pence visits South Carolina to tout the business benefits of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. But the reality is it has left many businesses behind.
February 05, 2020
BRTR Co-chair Op-Ed: President Donald Trump failed to mention small businesses in his State of the Union address to Congress on Tuesday — perhaps not surprising given that the 2017 tax law was an irresponsible giveaway to large corporations and the wealthy that exploded the debt while doing little for Main Street.
February 04, 2020
BRTR Co-chair Anne Zimmerman: It’s not surprising the president snubbed small business during the State of the Union—that’s exactly what his failed tax law did.
January 31, 2020
Op-Ed By BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr.: Instead of blaming seniors and low income citizens for our skyrocketing national debt, Trump and the GOP should admit the failure of the 2017 tax law
January 27, 2020
The president’s recent comments that he is considering cutting Medicare and other safety-net programs to reduce the ballooning federal deficit underscores the unmitigated irresponsibility of the 2017 GOP tax law
January 08, 2020
BRTR's Frank Knapp tells The Hill that the appointment of Administrator Carranza must be 'A fresh opportunity for the administration to refocus on issues or measures that could actually help small businesses.'
January 07, 2020
New SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza must be a strong voice for entrepreneurs in an administration that has strongly favored large corporations
December 31, 2019
BRTR member: 'Based on what the president was saying, I thought it was a tax reform for everyone across the board. Not just a tax reform for the billionaires.'
December 30, 2019
As the Treasury Department prepared to enact the Republican tax overhaul, corporate lobbyists swarmed — and won big
December 26, 2019
Johnny Burtka ripped President Trump’s 2017 tax law in light of a new report that found that some of the most profitable companies in the U.S. didn't pay any taxes last year as a result of the legislation.
November 07, 2019
“Most net new jobs come from businesses that are less than five years old with fewer than five employees,” said Frank Knapp, co-chair of BRTR
October 30, 2019
Statement by BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr. on the PROGRESS Act, which includes key BRTR policy priority
December 26, 2019
There’s no evidence of the tax cut law substantially increasing growth and real wages compared to the growth that was already occurring during the prior president
October 07, 2019
Tariffs have increased the cost of doing business for 37% of small businesses across the U.S. As a result, 46% of those admit they are losing customers.
October 03, 2019
Statement from BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr. refuting attempts to make tax law seem like a boon to small businesses
September 13, 2019
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr. says the evidence is clear that the economy is slipping, and consumers are feeling it
August 23, 2019
But Main Street entrepreneurs are not feeling the love and nearly two-thirds of small business owners support increasing taxes on the wealthy.
August 19, 2019
Benefits from what President Trump called “the biggest reform of all time” to the tax code have dwindled to a faint breeze just 20 months after its enactment.
June 26, 2019
Statement by BRTR Co-chair Frank Knapp, Jr. on the need for presidential candidates to back policies and enact tax reform that will help small businesses open and thrive
June 21, 2019
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr.: The president wants to declare the HRA rule change a 'monumental victory for small business.' But it can only be a permanent success if he fails in his efforts to kill the ACA.
June 19, 2019
BRTR Co-Chair Anne Zimmerman: 62% of small business owners want presidential and vice-presidential candidates — and presidents — to release at least 10 years of tax returns
June 12, 2019
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr. says as dismal as the overall May employment statistics are, the situation with small businesses is far more worrisome
June 11, 2019
Majority of small business owners support requiring presidential candidates and presidents to release their tax returns and want the wealthy to pay more in taxes
May 14, 2019
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr.: Corporations had their taxes permanently slashed by 40%. This resulted in a swath of American businesses benefiting. The big ones. Now, let's help small business.
May 08, 2019
Large corporations had their chance to use tax cuts to help the economy, but they just pocketed the cash. Let’s give small business a shot.
April 10, 2019
New BRTR scientific opinion poll: Majority of small business owners say the new tax law hasn't helped their profitability or success and support rolling back enormous corporate tax cuts to pay for policies that help small businesses
April 10, 2019
BRTR Co-Chair Anne Zimmerman tells USA Today that there is no reason tax breaks have to favor large corporations.
April 10, 2019
BRTR Co-chair Anne Zimmerman discusses new BRTR poll results and says this tax season has made it clear that the new tax law hasn't helped small businesses.
April 08, 2019
BRTR Co-Chair and CPA Anne Zimmerman: One older client recently told me, 'I can’t afford another tax cut.'
March 25, 2019
The U.S. posted its biggest monthly budget deficit on record last month, amid a 20 percent drop in corporate tax revenue and a boost in spending so far this fiscal year.
March 21, 2019
The tax law will not deliver the 3 percent annual growth the president promised over the long term
March 18, 2019
Sixty-two Percent of Americans are Bothered that Corporations Don't Pay Their Fair Share
March 14, 2019
Measured as a percentage of their tax bills, the group getting the largest cut is clear: Families earning from $200,000 to $1 million.
March 05, 2019
The president has pushed for an agenda of tax cuts and spending increases that had grown the deficit markedly
February 15, 2019
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr. Talks Taxes with Presidential Candidate Sen. Kamala Harris
February 27, 2019
About 10.9 million people are losing out on one of their most prized tax breaks -- the deduction for state and local taxes.
February 13, 2019
Corporate filing reveals that, far from paying the statutory 21% income tax rate in 2018, Amazon reported a federal income tax rebate of $129 million.
February 07, 2019
Business is unusually strong and should remain robust for years as a result of the law, executives say.
February 07, 2019
"If I were to estimate, two-thirds will pay more than they thought...,” said one tax preparer.
February 05, 2019
In fact, the company reported a $22 million federal tax rebate.
January 27, 2019
The $1.5 trillion cut tax package appeared to have no major impact on businesses’ capital investment or hiring plans.
November 29, 2018
Statement by Frank Knapp, Jr.: This latest tax proposal risks compounding an already lopsided and ineffective tax law and further exacerbating our enormous national debt
November 28, 2018
Small business owners who don’t take time to understand the new tax law may be in for a painful filing season next spring
November 07, 2019
It’s time our new leaders end the giveaway to corporations and replace the tax law with legislation that will help small businesses grow and hire, and the middle class thrive
November 01, 2018
Once again, politicians promised economic glory to small-business owners and the public on tax reform, but instead delivered a deficit that has exploded by 17 percent, with the bill coming due for all of us
October 30, 2018
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp on the tax law: Small businesses won't forget getting tossed aside in favor of corporations
October 25, 2018
BRTR is targeting a handful of congressional districts with a focused message on the GOP tax cut: The tax cut is a lavish gift to large corporations and the rich leaving small business and working families high and dry
October 19, 2018
BRTR released videos of business leaders airing their frustration with the tax law that bypasses the needs of small business owners in favor of giving large corporations and the wealthy enormous tax cuts
September 28, 2018
A ZipBooks survey shows that 88% of small business owners have made no changes to their hiring plans because of the new tax law
September 26, 2018
BRTR Co-Chair Anne Zimmerman Joined Jim Blassingame's radio show to discuss corporate stock buy-backs, Tax Reform 2.0 and why the tax law isn't helping small business.
September 13, 2018
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr.: The House GOP today continued its headlong rush toward a financially reckless vote on “Tax Reform 2.0,” a tax package that is more about political gamesmanship than fixing the enormous disparities created by the original law that favor corporations and the wealthy.
September 06, 2018
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr.: This new plan will likely make the tax law’s small business provisions permanent, locking in the disparities the GOP created in giving away the farm to the wealthiest businesses and leaving the majority of Main Street in the cold
August 21, 2019
Frank Knapp tells Radio Hosts That Tax Cuts Are Enriching Corporations but not Regular Folks. Interview begins at 7:30.
August 02, 2018
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr. joined host Scott Sloan on WLW 700 in Cincinnati today to discuss how the tax law left small business behind. Take a listen!
July 30, 2018
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr. tells House Small Business Committee that the tax law has done little to help small businesses or the economy.
July 24, 2018
The Republican plan, which would make the small business 'pass-through' deduction permanent, doesn’t solve any of the issues the GOP’s tax law created for small businesses.
July 16, 2018
BRTR Co-chair Anne Zimmerman writes that the new "postcard" sized tax form is a shameless example of overblown tax law promises made, and underwhelming results delivered.
June 28, 2018
For Main Street small businesses, the benefits of the Tax Act are peanuts. Nearly half of all the savings go to people making over $1 million a year.
June 20, 2018
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr.'s op-ed in Inside Sources today looks at why the tax law is so unpopular six months in. Hint: doing little to help small business and the middle class plays a big role
June 20, 2018
BRTR Co-Chair Anne Zimmerman has been a small business accountant for 30 years but has never seen the level of confusion and disarray caused by the small business deduction enacted by the Trump Tax
June 20, 2018
Small businesses and the middle class have not seen much benefit from the law for a multitude of reasons.
June 18, 2018
BRTR Co-Chair Anne Zimmerman tells radio host Jim Blasingame small businesses won't see any benefit from tax law, while corporations make out like bandits.
June 14, 2018
BRTR Co-Chair Anne Zimmerman says small business owners trying to estimate their quarterly taxes are in the dark because of a lack of IRS guidance on the new tax law. Worse, there are penalties for not getting it right.
June 06, 2018
Critics say the return of capital to shareholders is a boon for Wall Street, but a slight to Main Street.
May 30, 2018
Five months after massive federal tax changes became law, many small business owners still don’t know whether they’ll be winners or losers.
May 29, 2018
BRTR Co-Chair Anne Zimmerman writes: Under the new tax law, small businesses face increased complexity, steep competition from large companies with the means to take advantage of low tax rates created by the territorial tax system, and a 20 percent deduction on pass-through business income that does not apply equally to all.
May 23, 2018
Today’s Ways and Means Tax Policy Subcommittee hearing on tax reform and small business was a disappointing attempt to boost the flagging fortunes of the unpopular tax law by invoking the good name of small business owners.
May 23, 2018
Today's House Ways and Means Tax Policy Subcommittee has been optimistically titled ‘Tax Reform and Small Businesses: Growing Our Economy and Creating Jobs.’ Optimistic because the evidence is stacking up that this tax law does little to help our Main Street small businesses and despite assurances from proponents that the new tax law would simplify tax code, many small business owners are struggling to understand what exactly The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act means to them.
May 05, 2018
BRTR Co-chair Anne Zimmerman appeared live on CNN to set the record straight about the impact of tax cuts on small businesses, countering President Trump’s attempts to bolster support for the unpopular tax law during an appearance in Cleveland. Watch at minute 43:24.
May 02, 2018
BRTR Co-chair Frank Knapp, Jr.: Then stop giving large corporations special treatment!
May 01, 2018
Congress should revisit their tax law and put small businesses as their priority to grow our economy by helping small businesses grow
May 01, 2018
Congress should revisit its tax law and put small businesses as their priority to grow our economy by helping small businesses grow.
May 01, 2018
BRTR Co-chair Frank Knapp, Jr. writes that it's good the government recognizes National Small Business Week every year. But it would be better if its appreciation was demonstrated in policy in addition to public recognition.
May 01, 2018
"When you boil it down, the tax code has gotten exponentially more complicated for small business owners to navigate, creating new costs and competitive hurdles."
April 30, 2018
New report finds that 20 percent deduction for pass-through businesses does not apply equally to all small businesses, entrepreneurs may need to hire costly tax experts to take advantage of provision, and new territorial tax system puts them at a competitive disadvantage with large corporate competitors.
April 25, 2018
New data released recently by several small business and government organizations show mounting evidence that the tax law isn’t helping Main Street small business owners grow their businesses.
April 17, 2018
Small business owners and leaders write about their disappointment that the tax law ignores their needs while letting large corporations bury their snouts in the public trough.
April 17, 2018
Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform co-chair: With Tax Day 2018 upon us, it’s become clear America’s small businesses won’t be celebrating because of the new tax law. In fact, most will see little if any relief from a law that gave away the farm to big corporations and the wealthiest among us.
April 12, 2019
Months after the bill was bullied through Congress, it appears the money saved is not trickling down.
April 08, 2018
Many of these businesses are those right next door that provide jobs and social opportunities for each of us, and that, in most cases, create the atmosphere we have come to know as the way life should be.
April 06, 2018
“Who is benefitting from this [tax bill]? It’s not me. …The system that we are creating out of this tax bill is not helping the middle class. It’s not helping the small businesses. It is slowly killing the middle class and small businesses.”
March 25, 2018
I knew this tax law would not be a windfall for small businesses like mine, but it’s infuriating to see how much media attention there has been on the dubious corporate spin about bonuses and raises resulting from the tax law.
March 19, 2018
The senator pointed to analysis from Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform that found a majority of SMBs surveyed do not believe tax reform will benefit their business and lead to growth.
March 16, 2018
According to Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform, a majority of small business owners don’t believe the tax law will help grow their business.
March 16, 2018
People are starting to see the new federal tax law for what it is—a huge corporate giveaway financed on the backs of the middle class. A group I feel has been overlooked, though, is small businesses.
March 15, 2018
The report, “Tax Code and Small Business: Even More Bizarre and More Unfair than Before,” predicts small business owners will be spending more money on tax professionals than on growing their operations.
March 15, 2018
The law gives enormous, permanent tax cuts to large corporations but does little to strengthen the economic power of small businesses.
March 13, 2018
The much-hyped Republican tax bill is not worth the $1.4 trillion deficit increase, and it won’t help small business owners create jobs or raise wages, according to a recent survey from Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform.
March 13, 2018
The bottom line is this tax law doesn’t treat small businesses like the job creators they are. Small-business owners may get a nominal and temporary tax cut, but they clearly think it won’t be enough to invest in employees or grow their businesses.
March 12, 2018
What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...
March 12, 2018
Most small business owners don’t think the possible benefits of new law will enable them to invest in their businesses and believe it further tilts the playing field in favor of big corporations.
March 12, 2018
Small business owners don’t expect the law to help them grow their businesses or invest in their employees
March 06, 2018
By using most of their tax breaks on shareholders instead of employees, companies are ensuring that low tax rates won't last.
March 06, 2018
“We’d love to see modifications (to the bill) that actually help people and small business owners so we can invest in hiring new employees and doing trainings and expanding our business in ways that actually affect our local community,”
February 21, 2018
Most voters aren’t noticing more money in their paychecks under the new tax law, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll. Just a quarter of registered voters, 25 percent, say they have noticed an increase in their paycheck, the poll shows.
February 14, 2018
That is a snub every small business owner, and everyone who works at a small business, will feel.
February 14, 2018
In 2017, Amazon reported $5.6 billion of U.S. profits and didn’t pay a dime of federal income taxes on it. The company’s financial statement suggests that various tax credits and tax breaks for executive stock options are responsible for zeroing out the company’s tax this year.
February 08, 2018
Small business owners may want to hand out bonuses and raises now that there's a new tax law, but many don't know if they'll have any wealth to share.
February 08, 2018
A new report from Democratic senators says companies have repurchased $97.2 billion in stock since Jan. 1. That figure dwarfs a number that Republicans have been touting: $2.5 billion in bonuses that companies have announced in response to the new tax law.
January 29, 2020
Two percent of U.S. adults said they had gotten a raise, bonus or other additional benefits due to the Republican tax law enacted a month ago by President Donald Trump, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Monday.
January 20, 2018
The president’s State of the Union comments touting the unproven impact of the new tax law were an obvious attempt to paper over the fact that this law is an epic giveaway to large corporations and the wealthy that does little to help the country’s real job creators, small businesses.
December 20, 2017
The co-chairs of Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform expressed their disappointment in Congress today after it passed an enormous tax cut for corporations while doing nothing for the country’s small businesses, which drive our economy.
December 17, 2017
"The proposals also do little to simplify the code, and actually make it more complex for the more than 90 percent of small businesses that organize their firms as pass-through entities." --Letter to Congress from 2,000 small business owners
December 15, 2017
BRTR Co-Chair Anne Zimmerman pens an op-ed saying that a change from a worldwide tax system to a territorial one would encourage wealthy businesses to learn how to go offshore--giving them a financial and competitive advantage over neighborhood mom and pops.
December 15, 2017
Small business owners demand tax reform that helps them rather than just helping large corporations and the wealthy. Letter with 1,990 signatures delivered to Congressional leadership.
December 13, 2017
This was an act of political kabuki meant to check a box rather than invite serious discussion, and the needs of small businesses continued to be ignored.
December 11, 2017
The small businesses of South Carolina and across this country are very concerned that they are not being treated fairly by the tax reform proposals being considered by the conference committee on which you sit.
December 10, 2017
As a CPA and small business owner, I know how bad the tax bill will be for small businesses.
December 02, 2017
Politicians need to do more than just valorize small businesses to get elected. They must listen to small businesses once they’re in office. Today they abandoned us.
December 01, 2017
A new public opinion poll shows the majority of small business owners oppose repealing the Affordable Care Act’s mandate requiring individuals to buy health insurance to fund the tax bill under consideration in the Senate.
November 30, 2017
We, the nearly 1,200 undersigned small business owners, voice our strong opposition to the tax reform legislation under consideration by Congress. The proposals largely benefit big corporations and do little to level the playing field for small businesses.
November 29, 2017
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp: The House and Senate tax bills neither increase consumer demand that will boost local small business economies nor make the tax code simpler for small businesses and treat them the same as corporations.
November 29, 2017
Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform, a coalition of small businesses opposed to the GOP tax plans, is out with six-figure television advertisement buys in five states where potentially wavering Senate Republicans reside — Arizona, Indiana, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Wisconsin.
November 29, 2017
Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform launched six-figure ad buys in Arizona and Indiana this week and expanded ads that have been running in Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Wisconsin since last week.
November 28, 2017
It’s time politicians do more than just valorize small businesses to get elected. Congress needs to tear up these tax proposals and go back to the drawing board to create a plan that truly helps our nation’s job creators.
November 27, 2017
A survey commissioned by Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform showed that just 32 percent of nearly 800 small business owner respondents said they think the middle class and small businesses will benefit most – despite assurances from President Trump and Republican leaders that the tax cuts are designed for middle America.
November 27, 2017
A Public Policy Polling poll, released by Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform, a group opposed to the GOP tax bills, finds 51 percent of small businesses are against the plan. About one-third, 34 percent, support the GOP tax plan.
November 27, 2017
With the Senate poised to begin consideration of the Republican-authored tax overhaul proposal this week, a new coalition of small business leaders wants to put lawmakers on notice that most of them don’t like the proposal.
November 27, 2017
Scientific opinion poll finds majority of small business owners oppose the tax reform plans under consideration in Congress and believe they favor big businesses and the wealthy over small businesses and the middle class.
November 27, 2017
Majority of small business owners say tax proposals under consideration in Congress benefit big business and the wealthy over small business.
November 23, 2017
NASHVILLE — With U.S. Sen. Bob Corker a potential key vote in the success or defeat of the proposed Republican tax overhaul, national groups are rushing to amp up the pressure on the Tennessee Republican's home turf with a flood of TV and internet ads and robocalls.
November 21, 2017
Inside Politics with John King Discusses Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform and Shows Ad. Discussion Starts Around Minute 31:50.
November 21, 2017
A small business group has targeted U.S. Sen. James Lankford with television ads in Oklahoma City and Tulsa in hopes of steering him away from a tax reform bill.
November 20, 2017
Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform, a nationwide coalition of small business leaders opposed to the tax bill under consideration in Congress, today announced a six-figure television ad buy in Oklahoma that urges Sen. James Lankford to keep his promise to be fiscally responsible and vote against the tax bill that balloons the deficit, which will needlessly drive up interest rates and discourage investment in small firm
November 20, 2017
The first ads highlight promises by GOP senators James Lankford and Bob Corker to oppose any plan that increases the deficit.
November 20, 2017
Six-figure television ad buy in Wisconsin urges Sen. Ron Johnson to continue supporting small business over large corporations.
November 20, 2017
Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform, a group that just recently popped up, will be running ads trying to get Sens. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and James Lankford (R-Okla.) to oppose the Senate tax bill because of its impact on deficits
November 20, 2017
Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform, a nationwide coalition of small business leaders opposed to the tax bill under consideration in Congress, today announced a six-figure television ad buy in Tennessee that urges Sen. Bob Corker to keep his promise to be fiscally responsible and vote against the tax bill that balloons the deficit, which will needlessly drive up interest rates and discourage investment in small firm
November 20, 2017
Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform launch six-figure television ad buys across the country demanding senators support small business over large corporations and keep their promise not to raise the federal deficit, as the Senate’s proposed tax plan would do
November 19, 2017
Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform, a coalition of small business leaders, will launch a six-figure TV campaign to oppose the GOP tax bill on the grounds that it balloons the federal deficit by more than $1 trillion.
November 17, 2017
“At the heart of the House’s bill is a huge tax cut for corporations,” said Anne Zimmerman, co-chair of Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform. “This is a benefit for big business that is being financed on the backs of small entrepreneurs."
November 16, 2017
Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, explained his opposition Thursday to his party's tax bill, telling CNN's "New Day" that the plan as currently written is unfair to businesses.
November 16, 2017
Today, the House of Representatives disregarded the economic well-being of America’s 30 million small business owners in favor of an epic and fiscally irresponsible giveaway to large corporations when it passed its tax reform legislation H.R. 1.
November 13, 2017
BYRD IN THE HAND: There’s no doubt that there’s a fair bit of momentum behind congressional Republicans’ efforts on taxes these days. But there’s no question about this, either: Neither the House nor the Senate bill as currently constituted would meet the requirements of Senate budget rules.
November 13, 2017
If the 2016 election was a referendum on the economy, you’d think lawmakers would put job creation and our nation’s long-term economic viability at the heart of their plans to overhaul the tax code for the first time in three decades. They’re not.
November 13, 2017
Business leaders from across the country join together to speak out against tax proposals under consideration in Congress that they believe disproportionately favor big business and do little to strengthen small businesses — our nation’s job creators
November 12, 2017
The competing House and Senate tax bills differ in important respects, but they have this in common: a predilection to shower benefits on the very wealthy. The extraordinary reduction in the corporate tax rate to 20% is one obvious example. But the proposals’ true perversity, and the real object of the drafters’ munificence, is fully revealed only by reading the fine print. Take for instance their proposals to reward “pass-through” income with special discounted tax rates.
November 06, 2017
House GOP leaders have hailed their new tax proposals as helping the small-business owner, but small-business associations say they help big enterprises, not small ones, and vowed Tuesday to sink the bill in its current form.
November 05, 2017
The GOP's proposed tax overhaul is getting a mixed reaction from small business advocates, with some saying they hope the plan will be revised as it makes its way through Congress.
September 28, 2017
When Republicans rolled out their tax reform proposal this week, President Trump highlighted a provision aimed at the vast majority of small and family-held enterprises.
By Shaundell Newsome
GoFundMe pages, idled workers and “good-bye and thank you” signs popping up on one long-standing storefront after another. America’s Main Street businesses are on the ropes and many of our moms and pops are facing early retirement. Sadly, an overwhelming eight in 10 small business owners say our nation’s leaders don’t understand their needs--and favor big business anyway--during this time of crisis, according to a new survey of 1,200 entrepreneurs from Small Business for America’s Future.
May 8, 2020 | New York Times
“Even if tomorrow everything were fine and we were to go back to business as usual, it’s going to take months for us to get customers to come in the door,” Ms. Morey said Thursday at a virtual gathering of business owners.
May 8, 2020 | Roll Call
Banking and credit union representatives are urging lawmakers to create a special relief fund for the smallest businesses, loosen restrictions on the use of Paycheck Protection Program money and all but eliminate the paperwork involved in what is expected to be forgiveness of the loan in the future.
May 7, 2020 | Bloomberg Tax
Amid the struggle to obtain loans, small business owners told Bloomberg Tax they simply don’t have the time or resources right now to explore tax and accounting benefits that would provide extra liquidity. Some said they may go over some tax and accounting measures with a CPA later this year, if they are still in business, while others are turning to free advice on Facebook groups and cutting every expense they can.
February 19, 2020
Longtime Nevada Business Owner and Small Business Advocate Joins Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform Leadership
February 13, 2020
BRTR's Frank Knapp, Jr. writes: Today VP Pence visits South Carolina to tout the business benefits of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. But the reality is it has left many businesses behind.
February 05, 2020
BRTR Co-chair Op-Ed: President Donald Trump failed to mention small businesses in his State of the Union address to Congress on Tuesday — perhaps not surprising given that the 2017 tax law was an irresponsible giveaway to large corporations and the wealthy that exploded the debt while doing little for Main Street.
February 04, 2020
BRTR Co-chair Anne Zimmerman: It’s not surprising the president snubbed small business during the State of the Union—that’s exactly what his failed tax law did.
January 31, 2020
Op-Ed By BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr.: Instead of blaming seniors and low income citizens for our skyrocketing national debt, Trump and the GOP should admit the failure of the 2017 tax law
January 27, 2020
The president’s recent comments that he is considering cutting Medicare and other safety-net programs to reduce the ballooning federal deficit underscores the unmitigated irresponsibility of the 2017 GOP tax law
January 08, 2020
BRTR's Frank Knapp tells The Hill that the appointment of Administrator Carranza must be 'A fresh opportunity for the administration to refocus on issues or measures that could actually help small businesses.'
January 07, 2020
New SBA Administrator Jovita Carranza must be a strong voice for entrepreneurs in an administration that has strongly favored large corporations
December 31, 2019
BRTR member: 'Based on what the president was saying, I thought it was a tax reform for everyone across the board. Not just a tax reform for the billionaires.'
December 30, 2019
As the Treasury Department prepared to enact the Republican tax overhaul, corporate lobbyists swarmed — and won big
December 26, 2019
Johnny Burtka ripped President Trump’s 2017 tax law in light of a new report that found that some of the most profitable companies in the U.S. didn't pay any taxes last year as a result of the legislation.
November 07, 2019
“Most net new jobs come from businesses that are less than five years old with fewer than five employees,” said Frank Knapp, co-chair of BRTR
October 30, 2019
Statement by BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr. on the PROGRESS Act, which includes key BRTR policy priority
December 26, 2019
There’s no evidence of the tax cut law substantially increasing growth and real wages compared to the growth that was already occurring during the prior president
October 07, 2019
Tariffs have increased the cost of doing business for 37% of small businesses across the U.S. As a result, 46% of those admit they are losing customers.
October 03, 2019
Statement from BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr. refuting attempts to make tax law seem like a boon to small businesses
September 13, 2019
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr. says the evidence is clear that the economy is slipping, and consumers are feeling it
August 23, 2019
But Main Street entrepreneurs are not feeling the love and nearly two-thirds of small business owners support increasing taxes on the wealthy.
August 19, 2019
Benefits from what President Trump called “the biggest reform of all time” to the tax code have dwindled to a faint breeze just 20 months after its enactment.
June 26, 2019
Statement by BRTR Co-chair Frank Knapp, Jr. on the need for presidential candidates to back policies and enact tax reform that will help small businesses open and thrive
June 21, 2019
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr.: The president wants to declare the HRA rule change a 'monumental victory for small business.' But it can only be a permanent success if he fails in his efforts to kill the ACA.
June 19, 2019
BRTR Co-Chair Anne Zimmerman: 62% of small business owners want presidential and vice-presidential candidates — and presidents — to release at least 10 years of tax returns
June 12, 2019
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr. says as dismal as the overall May employment statistics are, the situation with small businesses is far more worrisome
June 11, 2019
Majority of small business owners support requiring presidential candidates and presidents to release their tax returns and want the wealthy to pay more in taxes
May 14, 2019
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr.: Corporations had their taxes permanently slashed by 40%. This resulted in a swath of American businesses benefiting. The big ones. Now, let's help small business.
May 08, 2019
Large corporations had their chance to use tax cuts to help the economy, but they just pocketed the cash. Let’s give small business a shot.
April 10, 2019
New BRTR scientific opinion poll: Majority of small business owners say the new tax law hasn't helped their profitability or success and support rolling back enormous corporate tax cuts to pay for policies that help small businesses
April 10, 2019
BRTR Co-Chair Anne Zimmerman tells USA Today that there is no reason tax breaks have to favor large corporations.
April 10, 2019
BRTR Co-chair Anne Zimmerman discusses new BRTR poll results and says this tax season has made it clear that the new tax law hasn't helped small businesses.
April 08, 2019
BRTR Co-Chair and CPA Anne Zimmerman: One older client recently told me, 'I can’t afford another tax cut.'
March 25, 2019
The U.S. posted its biggest monthly budget deficit on record last month, amid a 20 percent drop in corporate tax revenue and a boost in spending so far this fiscal year.
March 21, 2019
The tax law will not deliver the 3 percent annual growth the president promised over the long term
March 18, 2019
Sixty-two Percent of Americans are Bothered that Corporations Don't Pay Their Fair Share
March 14, 2019
Measured as a percentage of their tax bills, the group getting the largest cut is clear: Families earning from $200,000 to $1 million.
March 05, 2019
The president has pushed for an agenda of tax cuts and spending increases that had grown the deficit markedly
February 15, 2019
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr. Talks Taxes with Presidential Candidate Sen. Kamala Harris
February 27, 2019
About 10.9 million people are losing out on one of their most prized tax breaks -- the deduction for state and local taxes.
February 13, 2019
Corporate filing reveals that, far from paying the statutory 21% income tax rate in 2018, Amazon reported a federal income tax rebate of $129 million.
February 07, 2019
Business is unusually strong and should remain robust for years as a result of the law, executives say.
February 07, 2019
"If I were to estimate, two-thirds will pay more than they thought...,” said one tax preparer.
February 05, 2019
In fact, the company reported a $22 million federal tax rebate.
January 27, 2019
The $1.5 trillion cut tax package appeared to have no major impact on businesses’ capital investment or hiring plans.
November 29, 2018
Statement by Frank Knapp, Jr.: This latest tax proposal risks compounding an already lopsided and ineffective tax law and further exacerbating our enormous national debt
November 28, 2018
Small business owners who don’t take time to understand the new tax law may be in for a painful filing season next spring
November 07, 2019
It’s time our new leaders end the giveaway to corporations and replace the tax law with legislation that will help small businesses grow and hire, and the middle class thrive
November 01, 2018
Once again, politicians promised economic glory to small-business owners and the public on tax reform, but instead delivered a deficit that has exploded by 17 percent, with the bill coming due for all of us
October 30, 2018
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp on the tax law: Small businesses won't forget getting tossed aside in favor of corporations
October 25, 2018
BRTR is targeting a handful of congressional districts with a focused message on the GOP tax cut: The tax cut is a lavish gift to large corporations and the rich leaving small business and working families high and dry
October 19, 2018
BRTR released videos of business leaders airing their frustration with the tax law that bypasses the needs of small business owners in favor of giving large corporations and the wealthy enormous tax cuts
September 28, 2018
A ZipBooks survey shows that 88% of small business owners have made no changes to their hiring plans because of the new tax law
September 26, 2018
BRTR Co-Chair Anne Zimmerman Joined Jim Blassingame's radio show to discuss corporate stock buy-backs, Tax Reform 2.0 and why the tax law isn't helping small business.
September 13, 2018
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr.: The House GOP today continued its headlong rush toward a financially reckless vote on “Tax Reform 2.0,” a tax package that is more about political gamesmanship than fixing the enormous disparities created by the original law that favor corporations and the wealthy.
September 06, 2018
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr.: This new plan will likely make the tax law’s small business provisions permanent, locking in the disparities the GOP created in giving away the farm to the wealthiest businesses and leaving the majority of Main Street in the cold
August 21, 2019
Frank Knapp tells Radio Hosts That Tax Cuts Are Enriching Corporations but not Regular Folks. Interview begins at 7:30.
August 02, 2018
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr. joined host Scott Sloan on WLW 700 in Cincinnati today to discuss how the tax law left small business behind. Take a listen!
July 30, 2018
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr. tells House Small Business Committee that the tax law has done little to help small businesses or the economy.
July 24, 2018
The Republican plan, which would make the small business 'pass-through' deduction permanent, doesn’t solve any of the issues the GOP’s tax law created for small businesses.
July 16, 2018
BRTR Co-chair Anne Zimmerman writes that the new "postcard" sized tax form is a shameless example of overblown tax law promises made, and underwhelming results delivered.
June 28, 2018
For Main Street small businesses, the benefits of the Tax Act are peanuts. Nearly half of all the savings go to people making over $1 million a year.
June 20, 2018
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp, Jr.'s op-ed in Inside Sources today looks at why the tax law is so unpopular six months in. Hint: doing little to help small business and the middle class plays a big role
June 20, 2018
BRTR Co-Chair Anne Zimmerman has been a small business accountant for 30 years but has never seen the level of confusion and disarray caused by the small business deduction enacted by the Trump Tax
June 20, 2018
Small businesses and the middle class have not seen much benefit from the law for a multitude of reasons.
June 18, 2018
BRTR Co-Chair Anne Zimmerman tells radio host Jim Blasingame small businesses won't see any benefit from tax law, while corporations make out like bandits.
June 14, 2018
BRTR Co-Chair Anne Zimmerman says small business owners trying to estimate their quarterly taxes are in the dark because of a lack of IRS guidance on the new tax law. Worse, there are penalties for not getting it right.
June 06, 2018
Critics say the return of capital to shareholders is a boon for Wall Street, but a slight to Main Street.
May 30, 2018
Five months after massive federal tax changes became law, many small business owners still don’t know whether they’ll be winners or losers.
May 29, 2018
BRTR Co-Chair Anne Zimmerman writes: Under the new tax law, small businesses face increased complexity, steep competition from large companies with the means to take advantage of low tax rates created by the territorial tax system, and a 20 percent deduction on pass-through business income that does not apply equally to all.
May 23, 2018
Today’s Ways and Means Tax Policy Subcommittee hearing on tax reform and small business was a disappointing attempt to boost the flagging fortunes of the unpopular tax law by invoking the good name of small business owners.
May 23, 2018
Today's House Ways and Means Tax Policy Subcommittee has been optimistically titled ‘Tax Reform and Small Businesses: Growing Our Economy and Creating Jobs.’ Optimistic because the evidence is stacking up that this tax law does little to help our Main Street small businesses and despite assurances from proponents that the new tax law would simplify tax code, many small business owners are struggling to understand what exactly The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act means to them.
May 05, 2018
BRTR Co-chair Anne Zimmerman appeared live on CNN to set the record straight about the impact of tax cuts on small businesses, countering President Trump’s attempts to bolster support for the unpopular tax law during an appearance in Cleveland. Watch at minute 43:24.
May 02, 2018
BRTR Co-chair Frank Knapp, Jr.: Then stop giving large corporations special treatment!
May 01, 2018
Congress should revisit their tax law and put small businesses as their priority to grow our economy by helping small businesses grow
May 01, 2018
Congress should revisit its tax law and put small businesses as their priority to grow our economy by helping small businesses grow.
May 01, 2018
BRTR Co-chair Frank Knapp, Jr. writes that it's good the government recognizes National Small Business Week every year. But it would be better if its appreciation was demonstrated in policy in addition to public recognition.
May 01, 2018
"When you boil it down, the tax code has gotten exponentially more complicated for small business owners to navigate, creating new costs and competitive hurdles."
April 30, 2018
New report finds that 20 percent deduction for pass-through businesses does not apply equally to all small businesses, entrepreneurs may need to hire costly tax experts to take advantage of provision, and new territorial tax system puts them at a competitive disadvantage with large corporate competitors.
April 25, 2018
New data released recently by several small business and government organizations show mounting evidence that the tax law isn’t helping Main Street small business owners grow their businesses.
April 17, 2018
Small business owners and leaders write about their disappointment that the tax law ignores their needs while letting large corporations bury their snouts in the public trough.
April 17, 2018
Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform co-chair: With Tax Day 2018 upon us, it’s become clear America’s small businesses won’t be celebrating because of the new tax law. In fact, most will see little if any relief from a law that gave away the farm to big corporations and the wealthiest among us.
April 12, 2019
Months after the bill was bullied through Congress, it appears the money saved is not trickling down.
April 08, 2018
Many of these businesses are those right next door that provide jobs and social opportunities for each of us, and that, in most cases, create the atmosphere we have come to know as the way life should be.
April 06, 2018
“Who is benefitting from this [tax bill]? It’s not me. …The system that we are creating out of this tax bill is not helping the middle class. It’s not helping the small businesses. It is slowly killing the middle class and small businesses.”
March 25, 2018
I knew this tax law would not be a windfall for small businesses like mine, but it’s infuriating to see how much media attention there has been on the dubious corporate spin about bonuses and raises resulting from the tax law.
March 19, 2018
The senator pointed to analysis from Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform that found a majority of SMBs surveyed do not believe tax reform will benefit their business and lead to growth.
March 16, 2018
According to Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform, a majority of small business owners don’t believe the tax law will help grow their business.
March 16, 2018
People are starting to see the new federal tax law for what it is—a huge corporate giveaway financed on the backs of the middle class. A group I feel has been overlooked, though, is small businesses.
March 15, 2018
The report, “Tax Code and Small Business: Even More Bizarre and More Unfair than Before,” predicts small business owners will be spending more money on tax professionals than on growing their operations.
March 15, 2018
The law gives enormous, permanent tax cuts to large corporations but does little to strengthen the economic power of small businesses.
March 13, 2018
The much-hyped Republican tax bill is not worth the $1.4 trillion deficit increase, and it won’t help small business owners create jobs or raise wages, according to a recent survey from Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform.
March 13, 2018
The bottom line is this tax law doesn’t treat small businesses like the job creators they are. Small-business owners may get a nominal and temporary tax cut, but they clearly think it won’t be enough to invest in employees or grow their businesses.
March 12, 2018
What's this item about? What makes it interesting? Write a catchy description to grab your audience's attention...
March 12, 2018
Most small business owners don’t think the possible benefits of new law will enable them to invest in their businesses and believe it further tilts the playing field in favor of big corporations.
March 12, 2018
Small business owners don’t expect the law to help them grow their businesses or invest in their employees
March 06, 2018
By using most of their tax breaks on shareholders instead of employees, companies are ensuring that low tax rates won't last.
March 06, 2018
“We’d love to see modifications (to the bill) that actually help people and small business owners so we can invest in hiring new employees and doing trainings and expanding our business in ways that actually affect our local community,”
February 21, 2018
Most voters aren’t noticing more money in their paychecks under the new tax law, according to a new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll. Just a quarter of registered voters, 25 percent, say they have noticed an increase in their paycheck, the poll shows.
February 14, 2018
That is a snub every small business owner, and everyone who works at a small business, will feel.
February 14, 2018
In 2017, Amazon reported $5.6 billion of U.S. profits and didn’t pay a dime of federal income taxes on it. The company’s financial statement suggests that various tax credits and tax breaks for executive stock options are responsible for zeroing out the company’s tax this year.
February 08, 2018
Small business owners may want to hand out bonuses and raises now that there's a new tax law, but many don't know if they'll have any wealth to share.
February 08, 2018
A new report from Democratic senators says companies have repurchased $97.2 billion in stock since Jan. 1. That figure dwarfs a number that Republicans have been touting: $2.5 billion in bonuses that companies have announced in response to the new tax law.
January 29, 2020
Two percent of U.S. adults said they had gotten a raise, bonus or other additional benefits due to the Republican tax law enacted a month ago by President Donald Trump, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Monday.
January 20, 2018
The president’s State of the Union comments touting the unproven impact of the new tax law were an obvious attempt to paper over the fact that this law is an epic giveaway to large corporations and the wealthy that does little to help the country’s real job creators, small businesses.
December 20, 2017
The co-chairs of Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform expressed their disappointment in Congress today after it passed an enormous tax cut for corporations while doing nothing for the country’s small businesses, which drive our economy.
December 17, 2017
"The proposals also do little to simplify the code, and actually make it more complex for the more than 90 percent of small businesses that organize their firms as pass-through entities." --Letter to Congress from 2,000 small business owners
December 15, 2017
BRTR Co-Chair Anne Zimmerman pens an op-ed saying that a change from a worldwide tax system to a territorial one would encourage wealthy businesses to learn how to go offshore--giving them a financial and competitive advantage over neighborhood mom and pops.
December 15, 2017
Small business owners demand tax reform that helps them rather than just helping large corporations and the wealthy. Letter with 1,990 signatures delivered to Congressional leadership.
December 13, 2017
This was an act of political kabuki meant to check a box rather than invite serious discussion, and the needs of small businesses continued to be ignored.
December 11, 2017
The small businesses of South Carolina and across this country are very concerned that they are not being treated fairly by the tax reform proposals being considered by the conference committee on which you sit.
December 10, 2017
As a CPA and small business owner, I know how bad the tax bill will be for small businesses.
December 02, 2017
Politicians need to do more than just valorize small businesses to get elected. They must listen to small businesses once they’re in office. Today they abandoned us.
December 01, 2017
A new public opinion poll shows the majority of small business owners oppose repealing the Affordable Care Act’s mandate requiring individuals to buy health insurance to fund the tax bill under consideration in the Senate.
November 30, 2017
We, the nearly 1,200 undersigned small business owners, voice our strong opposition to the tax reform legislation under consideration by Congress. The proposals largely benefit big corporations and do little to level the playing field for small businesses.
November 29, 2017
BRTR Co-Chair Frank Knapp: The House and Senate tax bills neither increase consumer demand that will boost local small business economies nor make the tax code simpler for small businesses and treat them the same as corporations.
November 29, 2017
Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform, a coalition of small businesses opposed to the GOP tax plans, is out with six-figure television advertisement buys in five states where potentially wavering Senate Republicans reside — Arizona, Indiana, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Wisconsin.
November 29, 2017
Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform launched six-figure ad buys in Arizona and Indiana this week and expanded ads that have been running in Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Wisconsin since last week.
November 28, 2017
It’s time politicians do more than just valorize small businesses to get elected. Congress needs to tear up these tax proposals and go back to the drawing board to create a plan that truly helps our nation’s job creators.
November 27, 2017
A survey commissioned by Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform showed that just 32 percent of nearly 800 small business owner respondents said they think the middle class and small businesses will benefit most – despite assurances from President Trump and Republican leaders that the tax cuts are designed for middle America.
November 27, 2017
A Public Policy Polling poll, released by Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform, a group opposed to the GOP tax bills, finds 51 percent of small businesses are against the plan. About one-third, 34 percent, support the GOP tax plan.
November 27, 2017
With the Senate poised to begin consideration of the Republican-authored tax overhaul proposal this week, a new coalition of small business leaders wants to put lawmakers on notice that most of them don’t like the proposal.
November 27, 2017
Scientific opinion poll finds majority of small business owners oppose the tax reform plans under consideration in Congress and believe they favor big businesses and the wealthy over small businesses and the middle class.
November 27, 2017
Majority of small business owners say tax proposals under consideration in Congress benefit big business and the wealthy over small business.
November 23, 2017
NASHVILLE — With U.S. Sen. Bob Corker a potential key vote in the success or defeat of the proposed Republican tax overhaul, national groups are rushing to amp up the pressure on the Tennessee Republican's home turf with a flood of TV and internet ads and robocalls.
November 21, 2017
Inside Politics with John King Discusses Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform and Shows Ad. Discussion Starts Around Minute 31:50.
November 21, 2017
A small business group has targeted U.S. Sen. James Lankford with television ads in Oklahoma City and Tulsa in hopes of steering him away from a tax reform bill.
November 20, 2017
Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform, a nationwide coalition of small business leaders opposed to the tax bill under consideration in Congress, today announced a six-figure television ad buy in Oklahoma that urges Sen. James Lankford to keep his promise to be fiscally responsible and vote against the tax bill that balloons the deficit, which will needlessly drive up interest rates and discourage investment in small firm
November 20, 2017
The first ads highlight promises by GOP senators James Lankford and Bob Corker to oppose any plan that increases the deficit.
November 20, 2017
Six-figure television ad buy in Wisconsin urges Sen. Ron Johnson to continue supporting small business over large corporations.
November 20, 2017
Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform, a group that just recently popped up, will be running ads trying to get Sens. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and James Lankford (R-Okla.) to oppose the Senate tax bill because of its impact on deficits
November 20, 2017
Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform, a nationwide coalition of small business leaders opposed to the tax bill under consideration in Congress, today announced a six-figure television ad buy in Tennessee that urges Sen. Bob Corker to keep his promise to be fiscally responsible and vote against the tax bill that balloons the deficit, which will needlessly drive up interest rates and discourage investment in small firm
November 20, 2017
Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform launch six-figure television ad buys across the country demanding senators support small business over large corporations and keep their promise not to raise the federal deficit, as the Senate’s proposed tax plan would do
November 19, 2017
Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform, a coalition of small business leaders, will launch a six-figure TV campaign to oppose the GOP tax bill on the grounds that it balloons the federal deficit by more than $1 trillion.
November 17, 2017
“At the heart of the House’s bill is a huge tax cut for corporations,” said Anne Zimmerman, co-chair of Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform. “This is a benefit for big business that is being financed on the backs of small entrepreneurs."
November 16, 2017
Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wisconsin, explained his opposition Thursday to his party's tax bill, telling CNN's "New Day" that the plan as currently written is unfair to businesses.
November 16, 2017
Today, the House of Representatives disregarded the economic well-being of America’s 30 million small business owners in favor of an epic and fiscally irresponsible giveaway to large corporations when it passed its tax reform legislation H.R. 1.
November 13, 2017
BYRD IN THE HAND: There’s no doubt that there’s a fair bit of momentum behind congressional Republicans’ efforts on taxes these days. But there’s no question about this, either: Neither the House nor the Senate bill as currently constituted would meet the requirements of Senate budget rules.
November 13, 2017
If the 2016 election was a referendum on the economy, you’d think lawmakers would put job creation and our nation’s long-term economic viability at the heart of their plans to overhaul the tax code for the first time in three decades. They’re not.
November 13, 2017
Business leaders from across the country join together to speak out against tax proposals under consideration in Congress that they believe disproportionately favor big business and do little to strengthen small businesses — our nation’s job creators
November 12, 2017
The competing House and Senate tax bills differ in important respects, but they have this in common: a predilection to shower benefits on the very wealthy. The extraordinary reduction in the corporate tax rate to 20% is one obvious example. But the proposals’ true perversity, and the real object of the drafters’ munificence, is fully revealed only by reading the fine print. Take for instance their proposals to reward “pass-through” income with special discounted tax rates.
November 06, 2017
House GOP leaders have hailed their new tax proposals as helping the small-business owner, but small-business associations say they help big enterprises, not small ones, and vowed Tuesday to sink the bill in its current form.
November 05, 2017
The GOP's proposed tax overhaul is getting a mixed reaction from small business advocates, with some saying they hope the plan will be revised as it makes its way through Congress.
September 28, 2017
When Republicans rolled out their tax reform proposal this week, President Trump highlighted a provision aimed at the vast majority of small and family-held enterprises.
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