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STATEMENT: Small business group urges focus on the issues that truly matter to Main Street small businesses, institutional stability following Loeffler SBA nomination



Nazirah Ahmad



STATEMENT: Small business group urges focus on the issues that truly matter to Main Street small businesses, institutional stability following Loeffler SBA nomination

Statement by Walt Rowen, Co-chair of Small Business for America’s Future and President of Susquehanna Glass Co. in Columbia, P.A., on President elect Trump’s nomination of former Georgia Sen. Kelly Loeffler as Small Business Administration Administrator

Washington, D.C., Dec. 5, 2024– “As the Senate considers Kelly Loeffler's nomination to lead the Small Business Administration, we urge senators and Ms. Loeffler to prioritize the pressing issues affecting small business owners across the country, including the need for a fair tax code that supports small business growth, solutions to persistently high healthcare costs, and continued support for the unprecedented surge in new business formation we've seen in recent years. The SBA plays a vital role in supporting America's 30 million small businesses, and its leadership must remain focused on addressing the critical challenges facing Main Street small business and entrepreneurs.

“Small business owners need a committed advocate at the helm of the SBA who will strengthen the institution's ability to serve Main Street, not diminish it. We hope Ms. Loeffler, who has a business background, will be that advocate, committing herself to working constructively with the small business community, continuing to build the SBA’s crucial role in supporting America's small businesses, and encouraging continued growth in entrepreneurship.”

To request an interview with Small Business for America’s Future Co-chair Walt Rowen contact Nazirah Ahmad at nazirah@emccommunications.com or 704-290-6869.


About Small Business for America’s Future
Small Business for America’s Future is a national coalition of small business owners and leaders working to provide small businesses a voice at every level of government. We’re committed to ensuring policymakers prioritize the nation’s 30 million small businesses to create an economy that works for them, their workers and their communities. Visit www.smallbusinessforamericasfuture.org. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. #SmallBizAF.

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