A banner that says small business for america 's future
A banner that says small business for america 's future

Standing up for small business 

Policy reform that helps Main Street


Our Goal

Small businesses are essential to the fabric of American society--creating jobs, enlivening communities and powering the economy. But they are in trouble. The COVID-19 pandemic has dealt  Main Street  a serious blow. Our leaders must commit to helping small business owners rebuild over the long-term, so they can focus on what they do best--innovating and creating jobs to lead our nation out of economic turmoil. 

Small Business for America’s Future is taking the fight for small business to all levels of government, asking policymakers for: 


  • Fair and equitable policies that support Main Street as it rebuilds from COVID-19

  • Correction of market failures that have resulted in unbearably high healthcare costs and creation of affordable options for entrepreneurs and their employees

  • Creation of common-sense tax policies that put small businesses on a level playing field with large corporations and correct the failures of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

  • Policies that protect the integrity of American democracy and rebuild trust in democratic institutions. A well-functioning democracy is the cornerstone of a strong small business economy.

  • Creation of a just and equitable economy that works for small business owners, their employees and their communities by creating and supporting policies and programs that support the economic security of small businesses


Small businesses created nearly two-thirds of new jobs following the Great Recession. With vision and commitment to small business success, Main Street will lead us all to economic prosperity.

Join us to fight for small business and America’s future.

Join the Fight

For too long, lawmakers have prioritized large corporations over Main Street businesses. It’s time for that to change.

Small Business for America’s Future is fighting for an economy that works for all small businesses and their employees--and we need your help. 

Together, we can fight for a better future for small businesses and for America. Join us. 


Join Us

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