Statement by Rhett Buttle, senior advisor to Small Business for America’s Future and former Director of Private Sector Engagement in the Office of the Secretary at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Washington, D.C., June 26, 2020—With 57% of small business owners opposed to repealing the Affordable Care Act; the Trump Administration’s request that the Supreme Court do just that--in the middle of a pandemic--is a slap in the face of small business owners who say the high cost of healthcare is one of their biggest issues as they struggle with mounting debt and low consumer demand due to Covid-19.
Employers and their employees are relying on the ACA now more than ever. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services said Thursday that 487,000 people signed up for healthcare plans during the special enrollment period on after losing their employer-covered plans.
A recent online survey of 1,211 small businesses in Small Business for America’s Future’s network shows that 71% of small business owners say lowering healthcare costs should be a top priority for policymakers, 67% support strengthening the ACA and 57% oppose repealing it.
Health insurance premiums continue to be a significant cost for small businesses. We shouldn’t be tearing down a vehicle that can lower them and that provides health insurance for millions of Americans during the worst health crisis of our generation, we should be strengthening it.
This shows the Trump Administration is either hugely out of touch with what small businesscowners need right now, is more interested in putting politics over the wellbeing of Main Street entrepreneurs, or, more likely, both.
About Small Business for America’s Future
Small Business for America’s Future (formerly Businesses for Responsible Tax Reform) is a coalition of small business owners and leaders nationwide working to provide small businesses a voice at every level of government. We’re committed to ensuring policymakers prioritize Main Street by advancing an economic framework that works for small businesses and their employees. Visit Follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
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