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Small Business Group: Biden-Harris Administration making substantial progress in support of Main Street, still more work to do


Media Contact:
Conan Knoll


(831) 524-6764

Small Business Group: Biden-Harris Administration making substantial progress in support of Main Street, still more work to do 

Statement by Small Business for America’s Future C0-Chair Anne Zimmerman, Founder & Owner, Zimmerman & Co CPAs, in response to State of the Union address, and reactions from all Small Business for America’s Future co-chairs

Washington, D.C., March 1, 2022—During his first State of the Union address, President Biden rightfully highlighted the strong economic progress we have been made, but we were most heartened that he did not shrink from the need to do more to help Main Street small businesses recover from the biggest shock they’ve experienced in a century.

While Americans are applying to start businesses at record rates—up about 30% compared to pre-pandemic levels—and the country is experiencing strong economic growth thanks in part to efforts like the American Rescue Plan, many entrepreneurs are still struggling. The Biden-Harris Administration and Congress must continue the momentum to ensure an inclusive recovery for all small businesses.

That’s why we were glad to hear President Biden call for a federal paid family leave program, a critical element to a strong small business economy. A Small Business for America’s Future survey found that 59% of small business owners want to see a federal solution to help with paid family and medical leave. In addition, affordable childcare is a crucial issue that got needed attention during the speech. We know that small business owners want action to extend the Child Tax Credit—with 69% supporting policies in the Build Back Better Act that would extend the credit and cap the cost of childcare. Women were forced out of the workforce during the pandemic, largely due to the lack of affordable childcare. The impact on Main Street, which is struggling to fill jobs, is real and we echo the President’s call to pass common-sense childcare legislation that would help. Small business owners, who have long said large corporations enjoy unfair tax advantages, welcome calls to have corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share to help build a modern economy. 

As the president noted, we need to address healthcare costs, which are crushing small businesses. In surveyafter survey, small business owners identify the cost of healthcare and prescription drug prices as their top concern and support solutions like allowing Medicare to negotiate the price of prescription drugs. Yet, despite many promises from Congress to address this problem, the pharmaceutical industry continues to charge astronomical amounts for needed medicine. It is well past time for action on this fundamental problem that is holding back small business success.

We also support President Biden’s call on Congress to provide the resources needed to expand prosecutions of egregious pandemic fraud. PPP loans were meant for small businesses facing layoffs and closures due to the pandemic—individuals who fraudulently obtained loans meant for struggling entrepreneurs should be held accountable.

As we look ahead, we are optimistic about the work the Biden-Harris Administration is doing to help entrepreneurs and urge Congress to take up the policies the president proposed to help our small business community. To maximize our economic recovery, we must seize opportunities to enact policies that help our small business community, which creates two-thirds of all new jobs and employs half of all workers, succeed. With the proper policies—addressing the cost of childcare, creating paid leave programs and bringing down healthcare and drug costs chief among them— in place, America’s small businesses will flourish and lead our economy to prosperity.

Further reaction from SBAF Co-Chairs

Small business for America’s Future co-chairs, who are small business owners and advocates from across the country. Here are quotes with their reactions to the State of the Union.

“Many small businesses are still recovering from the economic impact of Covid-19 and continue to need support. One of the best ways to do that is to invest in programs that will help the bottom line of businesses and allow them to be more competitive in the labor market. I was glad to hear President Biden discuss lowering the cost of prescription drugs, which is a main driver of healthcare costs and continues to be the No. 1 policy issue for small businesses. I urge Congress to act on this crucial small business issue.” — Small Business for America’s Future Co-Chair Dr. Erika Gonzalez, CEO, President, & Co-Founder of South Texas Allergy and Asthma Medical Professionals (STAAMP) and STAAMP Clinical Research and Chair, San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce

“Our president has a lot to ponder with war, inflation and the ongoing pandemic. But we have to remember that America’s small businesses have been dealt a big blow for two years by Covid-19. When small businesses are hurt, our employees suffer. There is a lot going on in the world right now but we must remember our Main Street businesses, which are the country’s economic engine.” —Small Business for America’s Future Co-Chair Shaundell Newsome, Visionary & Founder, Sumnu Marketing and Chairman of the Board, Las Vegas Urban Chamber of Commerce

“Tonight President Biden clearly addressed many top small business priorities, including cutting healthcare costs by capping many prescription drugs prices, locking-in expanded premium assistance for health insurance in the federal health insurance marketplace, and allowing Medicare to negotiate prices for prescription drugs. Another key issue he addressed is making sure corporations that got a 40% tax rate cut pay under the Trump Tax Law now pay their fair share of federal taxes, leveling the playing field for small businesses. And on the foreign affairs front, the president stated that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a ‘battle between autocracy and democracy.’ Businesses know that democracy is vital to a vibrant entrepreneurial economy. That’s why we strongly support passing voting rights legislation in Congress to protect our democracy.” Small Business for America’s Future Co-Chair Frank Knapp Jr., Owner, Carolina Pet Resort and President & CEO, South Carolina Small Business Chamber of Commerce

To request an interview with Anne Zimmerman or any Small Business for America’s Future c0-chair, contact Conan Knoll at (831) 524-6764 or conan@emccommunications.com.  


About Small Business for America’s Future

Small Business for America’s Future is a national coalition of small business owners and leaders working to provide small businesses a voice at every level of government. We’re committed to ensuring policymakers prioritize the nation’s 30 million small businesses to create an economy that works for them, their workers and their communities. Visit www.smallbusinessforamericasfuture.org. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook. #SmallBizAF.

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